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Daybook for March 11, 2013

Outside my window...

Recent sunsets have been stunningly beautiful.  The pinks, blues and purples look like watercolor brushstrokes across the twilight sky.  Every chance I get, I dash outside on the deck and snap a picture with my phone. This one was so brilliant that it took me a moment to make sure there wasn't a fire in the distance.

I am thankful...
for two weeks of rest after a busy basketball season.  Track began last week and both older boys will begin soccer this week.  With choir practice thrown in that makes for nine individual practice times per week.  Hmmm.  Better get the cooler packed for dinners on the run.

I am thinking...
about my schedule. (see above)  From March to June time always seems to speed up.  Every weekend is booked with soccer games and track meets as well as our MOMS celebration dinner, the school's Spring Gala and two weekends of Christ Renews His Parish. Not to mention Holy Week, Easter, Spring Break vacation and the end of the school year festivities.  People ask me how I do it and keep my peace.  Believe me, I have learned the hard way, but I have finally learned the key:  do not resist what is.  If I have chosen to schedule my life this way and it is working for my kids, then simply accept it and do not complain or regret what cannot be right now.  The time for lazy days and lounging around is just around the corner - summer vacation begins at the end of May!

In the kitchen...
I am learning to love Chia seeds.  With five grams of fiber in one tablespoon and no real flavor, I have enjoyed adding them to cereal, smoothies and quickbreads and muffins.  The kids are none the wiser.

I am wearing...
Must I confess?  I am wearing what I consider my "uniform".  The kids wear uniforms everyday so why shouldn't I?  I live in my favorite (black)yoga pants (I have several pairs), (colorful)tank top and (black)long-sleeved yoga zip up jacket. (Occasionally I even do yoga in my yoga pants!) Until I finish my workout this is how I am most comfortable around the house.  Like the kids I like to save the "fun" outfits for outings and weekends. This pin on Pinterest certainly applies to me:

I am going...
In the short-term, back to nightly soccer practices.  It is still chilly at night here and I have to say I semi-dread shivering on the side lines three times a week while RW plays under the lights. I just keep reminding myself that in a couple of weeks it will be glorious!
In the longer-term, we are preparing for a trip to Scottsdale, AZ for Easter/Spring Break.  My mom winters there and my Aunt and two cousins live there as well.  There is even a new baby to snuggle so I am giddy with excitement! Oh and did I mention it will be in the 80s there?  Cannot. Wait.

I am reading...
As always I have several books going at one time.  Here is a sampling of the stack on the nightstand, on my Kindle app or on Audiobook.
1.  One Year to a Writing Life - Susan Tiberghien
2.  A Field Guide to Now - Christina Rosalie
3.  Happier At Home - Gretchen Rubin
4.  Poser: My Life in 23 Yoga Poses - Claire Dederer

Around the house...
there is some re-decorating going on.  We just splurged on a sectional sofa for our family room.  The current sofa will be moved into the boys' playroom which will become a media room for them.  The Thomas table is officially being replaced by big boy toys - most of which are electronic.  They really are growing up (sniff sniff).

A favorite quote for today...
"The more you love your own choices, the less you need others to love them."

One of my favorite things...
The Conclave.  It is so exciting to be living through the selection of another Pope and this time, my boys are old enough to really follow it and I know they will remember it forever. To make the process even more accessible I downloaded The Conclave App for free.  Check it out! (and pray for the Holy Spirit to move in a big way).  

Meals this week...Monday - Grilled Pork Tenderloin, Greek salad and sautéed zucchini.
Tuesday - Tacos al Pastor (using leftover pork) and Cuban black beans
Wednesday - Nachos with black beans and cheese, salads
Thursday - Crab stuffed pasta shells, green beans with mushrooms and shallots
Friday - Leftover pasta
Saturday - Dinner out at a new Indian Restaurant (mmmm - samosas and spicy dahl)
Sunday - (Trying to reinstate Sunday Soup Night) Wild Rice Chicken Soup

A recent selfie just because I am almost never in our family photos and want to remember too...


  1. I'm so impressed with people who have their whole week's worth of menus planned when they write this post! I'm lucky if I know what we're having a day in advance! Never heard of Chia seeds, but I'll have to check them out! As for the conclave app... how funny! There really is an app for EVERYTHING! Have a great week!

    1. Don't be too impressed with my meal planning - we ended up going through Chick-fil-a for dinner instead. Just keepin' it real. :)

  2. love those sunset colors! "do not resist what is"... love that. my husband got the conclave app too! i am also a yoga pants lover. ;)

  3. Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia! I love them, too! I have to admit my first thought with 9 weekly practices was 'soul fever' ~ but I know you will take it all in stride, as you always do! I miss you so much! We've had some sick days around here, but I will call you sooooon! H2U!

    1. Yes - 9 practices is soul fever inducing for sure. I'll report back in a month!


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