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Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real {4th of July}

Pretty ~ What can I say? The strawberries are absolutely lovely and delicious right now.  While washing them for my kids the other day, I had to stop and photograph the way they lit up in the sunlight from the kitchen window.  

Happy ~ Despite the three-showers a day heat and humidity, we had a total blast at the Washington DC fireworks.  Ashamed to admit it, this was the first time we took the boys out to see any fireworks beyond our front step.  Let's just say that any future fireworks show will have a lot to live up to!

Funny ~ What can three young boys find to do while waiting two hours for fireworks to start?  Why, become masked superheros with water bottle labels of course.  Much water bottle sword fighting ensued!

Real ~ Maybe this is a little too real?  Haven't seen one of these in years.  So glad I have a cell phone and didn't need to use this one in downtown Philadelphia!

round button chicken
Happy to be linking here on Thursdays


  1. What a great 4th! And those strawberries are gorgeous! Yum :)

  2. Beautiful photos! Great photo of you and your son, and yup, that phone booth is pretty real isn't it. Thankful for my cell phone too!

  3. It is funny tho think that phone booths are a rare sight these days! The strawberries look delicious, your picture captures their beauty perfectly!

  4. What a wonderful way for them to bide their time waiting.

  5. those strawberries have me drooling....YUM!

    good thing the wait was worth it for the boys.

    pax Christi - lena

  6. OH my goodness..LOL...the boys are awesome! I love that pic..really did make me laugh!

  7. I love your superhero boys! That photo brings back such great memories of growing up with my brothers. Boys are simply the greatest. :-)

  8. Beautiful! You boys up top match the strawberries.


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