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Summer Unplugged {simple summer cleaning schedule}

This time of year feels like a renewal of the new-year's freshness and an opportunity to change the routines, make new rhythms and set a few goals.

One of my goals is to take time each day to simply explore outside with my kids.  I have this book,  I Love Dirt by Jennifer Ward, and plan to go through several of the activities with my boys over the summer.  The author has a new book that I might pick up to use with the older boys instead.  A few summers ago I bought them little journals for use with this book and we only got through a few activities so I hope to dig those out and really use them.

Another one of my goals is to stick to my simple summer cleaning schedule.  Since the boys are not in any organized activities we basically have no schedule to keep!  This can get a little loose and before I know it we are all vegging out in front of the tv.  

To counteract this summer slide into electronic stimuli, here is a rough outline of the schedule in my mind:


                       CHORES                              OUTINGS                 OTHER                  MENU

Mondays:     Scour bathrooms               Park Day/Errands     Nature Journals    L.O.  Soup 

Tuesdays:      Scour kitchen                   Pool  Day                      Silent Reading   Pasta/Mexican

Wednesdays:   Tend to garden            Grocery Shop              Workbooks              L.O. 

Thursdays:    Windows, Dust                Beach Day                   Silent Reading        Seafood

Fridays:  Floors - vacuum and mop      Library/Playdates     Crafts                     Grill Out

Saturdays:  Bedding, Towels                 Mom's Day Out           Movie Night  Take Out/Frozen

Sundays:   Laundry, Fold, Put Away    Mass                             Game Night       Soup/Sandwich

What schedule do you have for your summer chores/outings/menus?  I would love for you to share your ideas and links to similar posts in the comment section.  

I'll keep you posted on my ability to keep to this schedule.  Keep in mind that now that my boys are 3rd and 4th graders (and a Pre-Ker too) they are doing a great deal of these chores right alongside me.  What a wonderful thing to have extra hands doing our housework!   Plus, this is summer and living should be easy so no stress or guilt allowed!

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Sundae Scoop Linky Party at iheartnaptime


Weekend Bloggy Reading


  1. Misty - thank you for dropping by my blog! Your header image of the three boys simply warms my heart.

    I think you are incredibly organized, to have a schedule all worked out...even a menu!

    The only scheduling I can manage is my morning conversations with God, Bible reading and journaling. I'm trying to get to know him's about time, he's been dropping hints, nudging and shaking his head over me for about 40 years now .

    Your gratitude list also makes me smile. And helps me have faith in close families, an idea in this world that seems to be struggling to survive.

  2. So happy to meet you Misty! You have a beautiful family~

  3. For so many reasons I wish that you lived nearby. Now this? This? God has certainly gifted you to me to help me be more practical and organized. (I WANT to be. But....) :) Thank you for this, my dear.

  4. Wow! It's great that you are so organized with your time. I struggle with that! I have all these ideas that I want to do this summer, but I haven't organized my week to fit them in. I'll probably get it figured out just in time for school to start! Thanks for the inspiration!

    Wendy @

  5. great idea-i need to try this out-i know how easy it is for the kids to watch too much tv when there's no schedule at all!

  6. WOW looks very organized! I am thankful to have three girls (triplets) live next door to us and in the Summer months, I pay them $ 10 each for the day to come over and be mother's helpers to me They entertain/craft and play with my children so I can have the day to clean! It works well!

    Thanks for linking up to NOBH!

  7. I think I need to start working on a schedule b/c this place is trashed from the girls running around with toys everywhere and I can't keep up. And it's only June. ;) Love that you include some quiet activities!

    Thanks for joining my Weekend Bloggy Reading party, and for linking back (I appreciate that!). Stop by Serenity Now again soon! :)

  8. Hi. Stopping by from Weekend Bloggy Reading. What a great idea. This sounds like a list I could really adapt to my life and it doesn't sound overwhelming at all. I love it. Thanks so much for sharing it. I'm definitely going to try something like this.

  9. You have inspired me. I have been working on putting together a simple summer routine for our family to follow. Although, I have teens who are busy busy. Once they are out the door for the day, it leaves my 2 youngest and I looking for things to do. I feel really inspired after reading your post.

  10. Love that adorable & colorful yard flag. I also like your simplified summer schedule. I, too, function better with some kind of schedule.

  11. I love that you have a scheduled beach and library day. Your summer looks like so much fun!

    Thank you for joining Post Of The Month Club! XOL

  12. I came here from Post Of The Month and have to say I love your schedule. I love that it has the boring housework bit but with time for the fun family stuff - perfect balance - especially as you have some time scheduled for yourself too. Really inspiring.


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~Grace and peace to you~

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